See the latest list of publications at
§ Gruzd, A., Abul-Fottouh, D., Song, M. Y., & Saiphoo, A. (2023). From Facebook to YouTube: The Potential Exposure to COVID-19 Anti-Vaccine Videos on Social Media. Social Media+ Society, 9(1), 20563051221150403
§ Wilhelm, E., Ballalai, I., Belanger, M.-E., Benjamin, P., Bertrand-Ferrandis, C., Bezbaruah, S., et al. (2023). Measuring the burden of infodemics: Summary of the methods and results of the Fifth WHO Infodemic Management Conference. JMIR Infodemiology, 3: e44207. doi:10.2196/44207.
§ Gruzd, A., Mai, P., & Soares, F. B. (2022). How coordinated link sharing behavior and partisans’ narrative framing fan the spread of COVID-19 misinformation and conspiracy theories. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12(1), 1-12. DOI:10.1007/s13278-022-00948-y
§ Gruzd, A., & Hernández-García, Á. (2022). A balancing act: how risk mitigation strategies employed by users explain the privacy paradox on social media. Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-19. DOI:10.1080/0144929X.2022.2152366
§ Gruzd, A., & Hodson, J. (2021). Making Sweet Music Together: The Affordances of Networked Media for Building Performance Capital by YouTube Musicians. Social Media + Society, 7(2), 20563051211025511
§ Calleja, N., AbdAllah, A., Abad, N., Ahmed, N., Albarracin, D., Altieri, E., et. al. (2021). A public health research agenda for managing infodemics: Methods and results of the first WHO infodemiology conference. JMIR Infodemiology, 1(1), e30979.
§ Kumar, P., Gruzd, A., Mai, P. (2021). Mapping out Violence Against Women of Influence on Twitter using the Cyber-Lifestyle Routine Activity Theory, American Behavioral Scientist.
§ Gruzd, A., Kumar, P., Abul-Fottouh, D., & Haythornthwaite, C., (2020). Coding & classifying knowledge exchange on social media: A comparative analysis of the #Twitterstorians and AskHistorians communities. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW).
§ Abul-Fottouh, D., Song, Y., Gruzd, A. (2020). Examining algorithmic biases in YouTube’s recommendations of vaccine videos. International Journal of Medical Informatics 140 (August 2020): 104175.
§ Gruzd, A., Jacobson, J., & Dubois, E. (2020). Cybervetting and the Public Life of Social Media Data. Social Media + Society.
§ Jacobson, Gruzd & Hernandez-Garcia. (2019). Who is watching the Watchers? Social Media Marketing in the Post Cambridge Analytica Era. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. [Pre-print Open Access]
§ Recuero, R., & Gruzd, A. (2019). Cascatas de Fake News Políticas: Um estudo de caso no Twitter. Galáxia (São Paulo), (41), 31–47.
§ Chaudhry & Gruzd. (2019). “Racebook”: Expressing and Countering Racist Discourse on Facebook. Policy & Internet.
§ Tougas ME, Chambers CT, Corkum P, Robillard JM, Gruzd A, Howard V, Kampen A, Boerner KE, Hundert AS. (2018). Social Media Content About Children’s Pain and Sleep: Content and Network Analysis. JMIR Pediatr Parent 1(2):e11193;
§ Gruzd, A., Lannigan, J., & Quigley, K. (2018). Examining government cross-platform engagement in social media: Instagram vs Twitter and the big lift project. Government Information Quarterly. [Pre-print Open Access]
§ Gruzd, A., & Hernández-García, Á. (2018). Privacy Concerns and Self-Disclosure in Private and Public Uses of Social Media. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 21(7), 418–428. [Pre-print Open Access]
§ Haythornthwaite, C., Kumar, P., Gruzd, A., Gilbert, S., Esteve Del Valle, M., & Paulin, D. (2018). Learning in the Wild: Coding for Learning and Practice on Reddit. Learning, Media and Technology 43(3): 219-235. [Pre-print Open Access]
§ Dubois, E., Gruzd, A., & Jacobson, J. (2018). Journalists’ Use of Social Media to Infer Public Opinion: The Citizens’ Perspective. Social Science Computer Review, 0894439318791527. [Pre-print Open Access]
§ Gamble J.M., Traynor, R.L., Gruzd, A., Mai, P., Dormuth, C.R., & Sketris, I.S. (2018). Measuring the Impact of Pharmacoepidemiologic Research Using Altmetrics: A case study of a CNODES drug‐safety article. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety.
§ Kwon, K.H. & Gruzd, A. (2017). Is Offensive Commenting Contagious Online? Examining Public vs. Interpersonal Swearing in Response to Donald Trump’s YouTube Campaign Videos. Internet Research. [Pre-print Open Access]
§ Gruzd, A., Paulin, D., & Haythornthwaite, C. (2016). Analyzing Social Media and Learning Through Content and Social Network Analysis: A Faceted Methodological Approach. Journal of Learning Analytics 3(3), 46-71. [Open Access]
§ Gruzd, A., Haythornthwaite, C., Paulin, D., Gilbert, S., & Esteve del Valle, M. (2016). Uses and gratifications factors for social media use in teaching: Instructors’ perspectives. New Media and Society. [Pre-print Open Access]
§ Gruzd, A. and Tsyganova, K. (2015), Information wars and online activism during the 2013/2014 crisis in Ukraine: Examining the social structures of Pro- and Anti-Maidan groups. Policy & Internet. DOI: 10.1002/poi3.91 [Open Access]
§ White, B., Castleden, H., & Gruzd, A. (2015). Talking to Twitter users: Motivations behind Twitter use on the Alberta oil sands and the Northern Gateway Pipeline. First Monday, 20(1). DOI: 10.5210/fm.v20i1.5404 [Open Access]
§ Gruzd, A. and Roy, J. (2014), Investigating Political Polarization on Twitter: A Canadian Perspective. Policy & Internet 6(1): 28–45. DOI: 10.1002/1944-2866.POI354
§ Gruzd, A. & Haythornthwaite, C. (2013). Enabling community through social media. Journal of Medical Internet Research 15(10):e248. doi: 10.2196/jmir.2796. PubMed PMID: 24176835.
§ Gruzd, A., (2013). Emotions in the Twitterverse and Implications for User Interface Design, AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 5(1):42-56. Available at
§ Martin, J.M.G., Gruzd, A., Howard, V. (2013). Navigating an imagined Middle–earth: Finding and analyzing text–based and film–based mental images of Middle–earth through online fan community. First Monday18(5 – 6).DOI: 10.5210%2Ffm.v18i5.4529
§ Gruzd, A., Staves, K., Wilk, A. (2012). Connected Scholars: Examining the Role of Social Media in Research Practices of Faculty using the UTAUT model. Computers in Human Behavior 28 (6), 2340-2350, DOI: j.chb.2012.07.004
§ Gruzd, A. and Sedo, D.R. (2012) #1b1t: Investigating Reading Practices at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century. Journal of Studies in Book Culture 3(2). Available at
§ Gruzd, A., Black, F.A., Le,Y., Amos, K. (2012). Investigating Biomedical Research Literature in the Blogosphere: A Case Study of Diabetes and HbA1c. Journal of the Medical Library Association 100(1). DOI: 10.3163/1536-5050.100.1.007
§ Takhteyev, Y., Gruzd, A., and Wellman, B. (2012). Geography of Twitter Networks. Social Networks, Special issue on Space and Networks, 34(1): 73-81. DOI:10.1016/j.socnet.2011.05.006.
§ Gruzd, A., Wellman, B., and Takhteyev, Y. (2011). Imagining Twitter as an Imagined Community. American Behavioral Scientist, Special issue on Imagined Communities 55 (10): 1294-1318, DOI: 10.1177/0002764211409378.